I just wanted to personally thank YOU for supporting me and this passion project of mine. I understand there are many other places on the internet where you could have gone for foot content so I am honestly grateful you're here. The creation of the Aesthetic Feet project came from my own desire for clean and raw foot content featuring real down-to-earth girls and not finding enough on the web.
Many years went into the launch of this website and it means a lot to me that you decided to visit the site, create an account, and support me by becoming a member. There's no huge corporation, I am not a subsidiary of a production company, I don't even have a team or partner. I do this all myself with a genuine passion. I'm sure if you've watched my videos throughout the years, you understand that.
As a student in my last semester of college, I am always in a deficit of money and time (I literally just use my mother's camera for videos. Don't worry, I have my own memory card haha!). Every donation of yours goes towards my time, effort, and heck, even my gasoline used to drive out and film content. And furthermore, you guys motivate me to improve quality and increase the quantity of my videos. I have already been able to buy me a new stabilizer thanks to your support. I am now working on saving up for a better camera and microphone setup.
Either way, throughout the year, I will continue to create great content for you and of course, free videos on Youtube!